I think I've been a little bit lazy with my blog. *guilty look* So what's been going on? I've spent the last few weeks prepping for Shanta's bridal shower, eating, going to movies, getting addicting to coffee from lack of sleep (oops, that one slipped out) heh heh... Yes folks, I've officially caved in. I figure that a happy Amy is better than a grumpy one :-P
I accientally threw away my credit card in Jen's trash can the other day and Jen was brave enough to sift through her garbage to get it for me. (THANK YOU!) I've also managed to get attacked by fleas from my kitty. Myleft arm looks like it's been attacked by the red polkadot monster. Advantage to the rescue! Has anyone noticed all the summer sales going on in the mall?!?! *sigh

* I think I'm a shopaholic in denial. You know it's bad when you spend your lunch break looking at clothes and shoes instead of eating... HELP! (Shanta, you're not allowed to help. j/k)
So besides being broke, I've been entertained by Alli's new kitty, Momo. Isn't he cute? The thing is a complete spazball. I've never seen a kitty do so many flips and jumps out of the blue. I'm starting to believe that he was an acrobat in his past life.
I admittedly have to say that I'm hooked on "24" thanks to Jeff. So if I happen to dissapear, you can blame him. ;-)
Okay, back to work...