I did it! I ran Bay To Breakers and was able to run the entire thing on 3 1/2 hours of sleep. =) I think next time I'm probably going to try to get more sleep and bring something to munch on afterwards. A banana and a few gulps of Gatorade isn't exactly the most fulfilling breakfast. =P We got up at 6 that morning (ugh, that's WAY too early for my brain to even function) and rode the bus from Berekely to San Francisco. When we arrived to the starting line, I saw people busting out with Bloody Marys and throwing tortillas everywhere. (dude, what's with the tortillas???) The combination of lack of sleep, motion sickness from the bus ride, and seeing a 70 year old man's wrinkely white butt almost made me want to hurl right on the street. Despite being temporarily blinded/traumatized by more than a few neon nasty buttcheeks, this is something that I'd want to try again next year and improve my time by 10 minutes. =) One race down, one more to go! Woohoo!