1. "Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf" coffee runs. I don't know what I'd do with out my latte every morning. I heart Coffee Bean. :D
2. Meeting one of the band members from Switchfoot. So my job is to run Guest Services at the festival. This means I have the guest list of all the artists', comp tickets, etc. On the third day, a guy comes up to the table and I'm thinking, "wow, he looks really familiar". He gives his name and it's not on the list. So I tell him that he looks familiar but I don't see his name and he tells me that his band has played at this venue a few times before. So I ask him what band he's in, and he says "Switchfoot". We also happened to have their poster lying on our table. No wonder he looked so familiar!!! I felt a little dumb. Makes me feel like I need to brush up on band members. :P
3. Getting to be part of the photo shoot for Kutless and BarlowGirl - that was SO COOL!
4. I got tons of positive feedback on my t-shirt design! I had the privilege to design the festival t-shirts/sweatshirts this year. They were a huge hit.
5. Getting to finally meet all the people I've been corresponding with over the last 6 months.
All in all, I feel that I've gained a better understanding of why and how things run and I feel more prepared for the Monterey festival, which is coming up in the next few months. I did run into a few bumps at Del Mar, but nothing is ever perfect. I can certainly take lessons from it all. I hope to post some photos soon. Stay tuned...