Why, hello lil' pumpkin!
Long story short, my water broke at 9pm. I was admitted to the hospital around 10pm and those cRaZy contractions started not too long after. 2 hours later I was at 9cm and begging for the epidural. Epidural was administered and a few minutes later I was in heaven. By 12:30am I was fully dilated and ready to push. Pushing sucked. After a few hours and no progress, the doc came in and helped Evan out with forceps. Um yeah, I'm so glad I had that epidural! At 4:08am on Oct. 9, Evan Micah Cooper was born measuring 6lbs 1 oz, 19 inches long.
Recovery was tough the first few days, but it's been manageable thanks to pain meds and ice. Life at home with the baby has been one of the biggest learning curves ever. I think we've been pretty lucky considering that he's not a fussy baby and only cries when he's hungry or gassy. He just started smiling this week (not sure if they're due to gas or if it's a real smile) and it's so darn cute!! I have yet to catch his smile on camera.
I'm thankful that Jeff took care of all the diapers and bottles in the beginning so all I had to do was focus on breastfeeding. I'm thankful that my mom came for 2 weeks and fed us, showed me how to burp Evan and put him down for a good nights sleep. I thank God every day for giving us such a healthy son and giving me strength so I can finally hold him in my arms.