After settling in, we decided to grab something to eat at the cafe by our tower. After discovering that our measley lunc

The next morning we set out to go snorkeling at the "Place of Refuge". We found out from the hotel that it was one of the best places to go snorkeling because they had seaturtles there. Unfortunetly we didn't get to see any sea turtles *boo* but we saw tons of "itty bitty yellow tangs" that weren't so itty bitty and a few puffer fish. Afterwards we drove all the way down to the tip of the island called "South Point". Now I can say "I stood in the southest part of the U.S" cuz it is :) Here's a shot from South Point:

We decided to call it a day and headed back. I have to say, the drive wasn't so fun. Everything on the island is spread out so it takes a few hours to drive to each destination. We planned on going to the Volcano National Park but after all the driving we've already done, I wasn't too keen on spending another 6 hours in the car to melt to death on an active volcano. We decided to save that for another trip. :) On Saturday we set out to go hike to Kohala Bay. This was probably my favorite part of the trip. We hiked along the shore on black rocks and saw sea turtles basking and swimming in the sea. (there's a pic below, the turtle looks dead but I swear, it's not. I even have photo proof!) We reached the bay and swam around. There was a mixture of cold water (from the bay) and warm water (from the ocean). It was a weird sensation. Nonetheless, the view was breathtaking.

On Sunday we attended a luau...and it was open bar... amy had a bit too much to drink BEFORE the meal. Oops. To say the least, my stomach wasn't exactly very happy that night. The food (of what I remember) was delicious and the show was a lot of fun.

Monday was a sad day. It was our last day in Hawaii. We checked out of our hotel room at noon and realized we had about 8 hours to kill before our flight. Hmm... what to do?? You'd think there'd be plenty to do, but the weather was hot and humid. The idea of walking around in sweat and not being able to shower before boarding the plane was not very appealing. We drove to the northern part of the island and visited the Polulu Valley and then stopped for "the island's best ice cream" which really was the best ice cream ever. Here are some shots of the valley and ice cream :)

That only killed about 2 hours so we drove to Waimae and wandered around in a grocery store...yes, we were that bored. On the way back we browsed through a few gift shops and headed back to the resort for a last goodbye and then headed to the airport. The flight left at 10 pm and we arrived in chilly and gloomy San Jose at 8 a.m. That ends my trip and I'm so so so sad that it's over. Seeing that it took up 2 hours of my time at work to write this entry, I don't feel quite so bad anymore. haha. There are so many more photos I took. You can find them here: Hawaii Pictures