I decided to get away for the weekend and flew down to Catalina Island to spend some time with my college friends. The sun was shining and the water was blue. It was heaven. :) The best part of the whole island is that everyone travels not by car, but by golfcarts! We saw golfcarts up the wahzoo. I felt like I was in Mario Kart, zooming (or more like putting) along the curvy windy roads and trying to pass the other carts. (or more like trying to avoid being passed) Too bad I didn't have any bananas or turtle shells. :P

The next day we went on a glass bottom boat tour. Now, as fascinating as the fish were, I have to say that this was probably the most challenging part of the trip. Why you ask? It took all my energy to prevent myself from puking either on someone's lap or on the side of the boat. I sat there praying that God would grant me magical powers and I could fast foward through time. It was THE longest hour of my life. I practically kissed the ground when we reached the dock. Yes, I have to say I'm definately sticking to traveling on LAND. :)

The rest of the time was filled with lava flows, pina coladas, and margaritas. We swam, tanned, shopped, and explored the island in our little putt-putt cart. It was the perfect weekend getaway!