I spent Saturday morning running the Santa Cruz Half Marathon and I curse the people who described the race as "easy, fairly flat with minimal hills". The race actually consisted many moderate hills, very few flat areas and many clumps of horse poo which I miraculously managed to dodge without breaking my ankle. They also failed to mentioned that you had to run in the sand for the last 20 feet. But all in all I made good time (1:48:04) and I'm happy to announce that the soreness wore off after 1 day of recovery. =D On a positive note, the scenery was beautiful and weather was wonderful. My favorite part of the race is crossing the finish line and seeing what goodies they have waiting for me. They had baskets of the best strawberries I've ever tasted, juicy pears, bananas, grapes, and bagels with cream cheese. YUM! It was probably the best "after the race food" I've had. After cleaning up and checking out of the hotel, Jeff and I headed to downtown Santa Cruz. It was really nice walking down the strip. I haven't been there in a while, so it was nice visiting all the shops I haven't seen in a while. We stopped by the Pacific Cookie Company for cookies and then I popped into Bad Ass Coffee for some hawiian coffee. (it was soo good!!). After browsing in a few shops we hopped in the car and headed home.
Next up is the Jungle run in mid July! woohoo!