Monday, July 12, 2010

Holy cow.

Only 3 more months left before our little one arrives (93 days!) I'm finally at a point where people notice that I'm pregnant and don't have to question whether or not I have a really big gut. :P 2nd trimester has definitely been a "honeymoon" period of pregnancy. No sickness, energy levels are back, appetite is back to normal and no food aversions! Hooray!

How Far Along: 27 weeks!
Total Weight Gain : So far it's around 13-14 lbs. I've been consistently gaining about 1 lb a week, which is ideal, but not fun when I try on clothes week after week and realize that I can't wear them anymore! My wardrobe is getting smaller and smaller by the week!

Maternity Clothes: bottoms are all maternity and skirts and tops are all still pre-pregnancy.

Stretch Marks: none so far...

Best Moment this Week : Getting new carpet installed so we can finally buy all our baby furniture and get the nursery set up.

Movement : Lots! I felt him do some type of somersault move this morning and saw my stomach warping. So weird. He loves to kick and move around 3-5am (which isn't fun if I'm trying to fall back asleep) and is really active at night. I haven't had the pleasure of feeling him kick my ribs or kick me down really low and I hope it stays that way!

Food Cravings : Fresh fruit (if that even counts as a craving, ha!)

Labor Signs : My braxton hicks contractions are picking up a bit but, they are still under the 6/ hour threshold which is good. They're getting more frequent as the weeks go by.

Belly Button Innie or Outtie : Still very much an innie. I don't think it's going to pop any time soon...or at all!

What are You Looking Forward to this Week : Getting the carpet in!