Monday, April 17, 2006

Happy Easter!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

There are woman who are able to wear 3 inch heels and walk flawlessly down the street. And there are woman who wear heels and look like they're about to fall over in a second. I belong in the second category. Needless to say, I ended up spilling coffee all over myself because I can't hold a beverage and walk in heels at the same time. Now I probably have a huge dry cleaning bill and sore feet. Not a good way to start the day.

Monday, April 03, 2006


Day Light Savings blows for people who have to get up early for work. I wish my desk would turn into a huge pillow...

So with all this rain, I've decided to think positive. There are a few good sides to a cold rainy day. It's a perfect time to spend time cuddling on the couch, napping, and catching up on reading :) I'm currently reading "The Mists of Avalon" and I only have 200 more pages to go!!! Wooohoo! (it's like a 900 pg book) I'm usually not into "King Athur/Camelot" readings, but I have to admit, it's one of those "can't put down" books. I definately recommend it to anyone.

I signed up for my FIRST half marathon! Good bye junk food and laziness. *sniff sniff* Only 7 months to go! Wish me luck :)