Saturday, July 31, 2010

More nursery pics for your enjoyment. :)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The nursery is almost done! Hooray! We had all the furniture delivered a few weeks ago and there was no hesitation with getting the room set up. We still have a few things to get (like a mattress for the crib) and still need to put up more wall art, but it's pretty much complete. I went in for my 28-week appointment and the Dr. wanted us to get another u/s to check on how things were progressing.

It's pretty amazing to see how much he's filled out since our last ultrasound. The kicks and rolls have gotten stronger each week. He also hiccups quite a few times a day. He's had his foot wedged into my side for weeks now. Sometimes I can see it stick out and I have to admit, it kind of freaks me out. haha. 

Other news... Jeff and I are going on a roadtrip to Mt. Rushmore next weekend! We found out that it's only 5 hours away so we're taking the opportunity to explore. Hope my bladder holds out long enough to make the drive bearable for Jeff. ;)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Holy cow.

Only 3 more months left before our little one arrives (93 days!) I'm finally at a point where people notice that I'm pregnant and don't have to question whether or not I have a really big gut. :P 2nd trimester has definitely been a "honeymoon" period of pregnancy. No sickness, energy levels are back, appetite is back to normal and no food aversions! Hooray!

How Far Along: 27 weeks!
Total Weight Gain : So far it's around 13-14 lbs. I've been consistently gaining about 1 lb a week, which is ideal, but not fun when I try on clothes week after week and realize that I can't wear them anymore! My wardrobe is getting smaller and smaller by the week!

Maternity Clothes: bottoms are all maternity and skirts and tops are all still pre-pregnancy.

Stretch Marks: none so far...

Best Moment this Week : Getting new carpet installed so we can finally buy all our baby furniture and get the nursery set up.

Movement : Lots! I felt him do some type of somersault move this morning and saw my stomach warping. So weird. He loves to kick and move around 3-5am (which isn't fun if I'm trying to fall back asleep) and is really active at night. I haven't had the pleasure of feeling him kick my ribs or kick me down really low and I hope it stays that way!

Food Cravings : Fresh fruit (if that even counts as a craving, ha!)

Labor Signs : My braxton hicks contractions are picking up a bit but, they are still under the 6/ hour threshold which is good. They're getting more frequent as the weeks go by.

Belly Button Innie or Outtie : Still very much an innie. I don't think it's going to pop any time soon...or at all!

What are You Looking Forward to this Week : Getting the carpet in!