Wednesday, December 16, 2009

We've been in Ft. Collins for 3 1/2 weeks now and life is good. So far my life has revolved around weekly trips to the library and checking out every Jodi Picoult book, watching hours and hours of korean soap operas (have to say that i am truly amazed how those actresses can shed tears every episode and not have red eyes or a puffy nose), making home-cooked meals (thanks to martha stewart), and baking lots and lots of cookies.

Job hunting continues but doesn't look promising. However, I will not lose faith. Whether it be working at a bookshop, volunteering, painting -- the possibilities are endless. But for now, I will curl up on the couch and enjoy this moment to read a good book. :)

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

**** News Flash ****
We're moving to Fort Collins, CO!

Hopefully I'll make more use of this blog now that I'll be away. *sniff sniff* Stay tuned.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Did you know?

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Week 6: Winter scenes

Week 5: Cast shadows - hum.. not much of a cast shadow on my candy since we had natural light and the classroom lights in the room, but it was good practice for painting wrappers :)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Out of all the places to sit, my cat decides to do so on a top of a 5" wide scratching post.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

I never thought I'd have so much fun painting flowers. All the layers and shading make it a bit challenging, but i think that's what makes it so much fun. :)

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

I just bought my very first anti-aging wrinkle cream... *sigh* I hate getting old. >:(

Friday, January 30, 2009

Watercolor is interesting. It forces me to be patient because I have to wait for each layer to dry before applying another (and because of this, I am truly thankful for blow dyers. :) ) It also forces me to plan my whole composition ahead of time ... something that I am not used to – I tend to be spontaneous – so at times it can be quite frustrating. But it's slowly growing on me...the more time I spend painting, the more I'm enjoying these paints. I'm still not completely happy with what I've created so far, but then again, when are artists ever happy with their end piece? Isn't that why we start a new painting? Anywhos, here's a glimps of what I've been learning so far...

Week 1: Landscapes

Week 2: Trees

Um.. that's it so far. :) We're learning how to paint flowers next week. Stay tuned...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Happy New Year!! :) I cannot believe January is almost over. It has been a busy, busy start to the new year and I hope it'll slow down soon so I can breathe. So let's catch up on what's been happening in the world of Amy...

I decided it'd be fun to take some art classes so I signed up for a watercolor class... I am loving it! I forget how it feels like to be a student... meeting new people and learning new things. I've always been fascinated with how watercolor paintings look, especially the colors. I miss creating tangible art, like feeling the paper, holding the paintbrushes, etc. It makes me want to be an art student forever. hehe.

Another item that has been filling up time has been house hunting. Jeff and I decided last year that we would start looking for a home to settle into...needless to say... it's been tiring and a bit depressing. Granted we've only been searching for 3 weeks, I guess the impatient part of me tends to take over. So we've been scouting out the homes in the area -- some were nice, some needed a ton of love and care. hehe. Just recently we've decided to put the hunt on hold...until we get a better idea of our job security. We'll see how things go as time passes...

It's been a crazy month...