Monday, August 21, 2006

Just got back from a weekend in Yosemite! I beginning to think that I have a love/hate relationship with camping. I love taking in the scenery, breathing fresh air (that is, if I can even breath in the high altitude), eating, the hikes, sitting around the campfire, and spending time with friends. However, I DO NOT enjoy having to get out of my cozy sleeping bag and stumble in the darkness to find the bathroom. By the time I get back to my sleeping bag, it's ice cold. I'm wide awake and I can hear every critter nearby. I begin to have nightmares that a bear will walk by and eat me.

Another thing I could do without are the million mosquitoes buzzing around. Can someone please tell me the reason why these horrid things exist?!?! Arrghh...

We decided to eat out the first night there. We went to a gas station/restaurant. It's combination of a gas station and a restaurant in one, hence the name "Mobile Restaurant". The whole idea is ingenious and a little comical. Who would of thought to have a gourmet meal of lobster and steak at a gas station?? To say the least, the food was phenomal and satistfying.

I'm glad to be back! A shower is a wonderful thing ;) It's trips like these that make me gratful for hot water and warm beds. On the other hand, it's also a reminder of how amazing creation is but for now I think I'll stick with our local state parks to get my dose of nature. Camping once a year is enough for me, and I will be looking foward to it again next summer. Photos to come.