Thursday, July 29, 2010

The nursery is almost done! Hooray! We had all the furniture delivered a few weeks ago and there was no hesitation with getting the room set up. We still have a few things to get (like a mattress for the crib) and still need to put up more wall art, but it's pretty much complete. I went in for my 28-week appointment and the Dr. wanted us to get another u/s to check on how things were progressing.

It's pretty amazing to see how much he's filled out since our last ultrasound. The kicks and rolls have gotten stronger each week. He also hiccups quite a few times a day. He's had his foot wedged into my side for weeks now. Sometimes I can see it stick out and I have to admit, it kind of freaks me out. haha. 

Other news... Jeff and I are going on a roadtrip to Mt. Rushmore next weekend! We found out that it's only 5 hours away so we're taking the opportunity to explore. Hope my bladder holds out long enough to make the drive bearable for Jeff. ;)